Book Review: The Wanderer by Sharon Creech

Book Review: The Wanderer by Sharon Creech

*Please note: This post contains affiliate links. I love books that take us on adventures. And while I’d never have the desire to sail across the ocean in my real life, I’m all for experiencing it through the pages of a book. Because of this, I couldn’t help but love...
Book Review: Echo by Pam Muñoz Ryan

Book Review: Echo by Pam Muñoz Ryan

*Please note: This post contains affiliate links. Do you ever read a story and find yourself in awe of the beauty of the storytelling? That’s how I felt after reading Echo (Amazon Affiliate Link) by Pam Muñoz Ryan. The storytelling was almost musical in nature, and I...
Book Review: Power Pup by Amanda Trumpower

Book Review: Power Pup by Amanda Trumpower

*Please note: This post contains affiliate links. I love my job as an editor. And one of the things I love most is that I get to read some amazing stories early. One of my author friends who I’ve edited for is Amanda Trumpower. Every time I get an email from Amanda...