I love to write.

I’ve loved it ever since I was in elementary school. I remember writing stories in my little purple notebook after school while I waited for the bus to take me home. 

Stories took me to new places, whether I was reading them or writing them. I could invent new worlds. Meet new people. Discover new things about myself and those around me.

I still love writing for those same reasons. It provides an escape from ordinary routines. And, the craft of writing aside, it’s something I do for myself. A hobby. Something outside of my normal everyday obligations. Because of that, I think everyone needs something like writing.

Just to be clear—I don’t think everyone has to be a writer. But I do think we all need some sort of hobby that fills us with life and roots us in who we are in Christ. Writing is that hobby for me. In that act of creating, I am reminded of our Creator, the ultimate storyteller. 

For some people, that hobby is photography, or cross-country skiing, or painting canvases, or running marathons. Each of these is an act of creating, or an act of experiencing, or an act of pushing our own physical limits. Each of these exposes us to different aspects of creation.

But if we spend our entire lives between work (or school) and home, fulfilling obligations and then resting at the end of the day, are we selling ourselves short? Are we limiting our own experiences?

I don’t know. It’s something to think about.

Regardless, I think there’s value in hobbies. In spending time on something that’s different from our normal 9-5. In varying our experiences.

I love to write. I don’t have to do it, but it’s fun. It’s my escape. It’s a form of self-care for me. 

What do you do for yourself? What are your hobbies that bring you closer to our Creator and help you experience the fullness of this world? I’d love to hear what you like to do outside of your normal routines!

And never forget… you are onederfully created.


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