When I was little, I had a stuffed yellow bunny I always kept tucked under my little arm (my right arm that ends below the elbow).

I don’t think the toy even had a name—I just called it my Yellow Bunny. And I took it everywhere with me.

We ate our meals together. We went to bed together. If Mom took me along grocery shopping, you better believe Yellow Bunny wasn’t getting left behind.

But when I was four years old, my family moved a few hours away to a farm. We packed up our things, and lots of family members came to help us make the transition.

And I’m not sure exactly how it happened, but at some point as we unpacked our belongings at our new house, I realized Yellow Bunny was gone.

Tears welled in my four-year-old eyes.

“Where’s my Yellow Bunny?” I asked Mom, Dad, and probably anyone else who would listen.

But no one had an answer.

We searched the new house and the moving van and probably sent someone to search the old house, too.

Yellow Bunny had disappeared without a trace.

I felt heartbroken. Yellow Bunny had been my constant companion. What would I do without him?

As time passed, my memories of Yellow Bunny faded. I had new toys and new friends and new distractions. I’d held on to Yellow Bunny so tightly—I thought I needed him to survive the move.

But, as it turned out, I was fine without him.

We all have “Yellow Bunnies” in our lives.

Things we cling to because they help us feel safe, or comfortable, or at home. Things we feel like we would be lost without.

Things like our phones, and our TVs, and our cars, and even our houses.

But we don’t need to hold any of these things too tightly. We don’t need to seek our comfort in things that will eventually disappear without a trace.

Because we have God, and He is all we truly need.

He is our Comfort. He is our home.

I love Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4: “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”

Our Creator is better than anything else we seek—He never leaves us and He is always here, a constant source of compassion and comfort, in good times and bad.

And never forget … you are onederfully created by Him.


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