What actions define your days?

I don’t know about you, but some days I find myself trapped in actions that I know are counterproductive. Worrying. Sitting in my thoughts for too long. Procrastination. Trying to do things on my own instead of asking for help. Watching Netflix when I could be spending that time on something that actually matters. And—depending on the day and how I’m feeling—the list goes on.

Think about your day so far. What verbs define how you’ve spent your time since waking up? Are these verbs you would be proud to share, or actions you’d prefer to keep to yourself?

How could we take these actions, good or bad, and make them even better?

What are the actions we want to live by?

Psalm 37 is filled with strong verbs to show how we should and should not spend our time. Best of all, this psalm was written by David. David is often described as a man after God’s own heart, and he did follow the Lord. However, David made a lot of mistakes in his life. His story is marked with actions like adultery and murder. He died with revenge on his heart.

And yet, God can redeem even our most broken stories. He can transform even our most harmful actions. I love that Psalm 37 is written by David, because it shows that we are never too far gone to seek out new actions to live by.

Okay, that being said, let’s dive into some of the actions described in Psalm 37.

1. “Do not fret because of those who are evil” (v. 1)

Do not fret. Don’t worry or be anxious or let feelings of unhappiness fill your days. Granted, this is easier said than done. But when you recognize these negative feelings rising up inside of you, try to turn them around into a more positive action instead. Which leads us to the next verbs on our list… snapshots of how we can live lives glorifying to God.

2. “Trust in the Lord and do good” (v. 3)

3. “Dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture” (v. 3)

4. “Take delight in the Lord” (v. 4)

5. “Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him” (v. 5)

6. “Be still before the Lord” (v. 7)

7. “Wait patiently for him” (v. 7)

8. “Refrain from anger and turn from wrath” (v. 8)

9. “Turn from evil and do good; then you will dwell in the land forever” (v. 27)

10. “Hope in the Lord and keep his way” (v. 34)

11. “Take refuge in him” (v. 40)

This is only scratching the surface of David’s words in Psalm 37. There is so much more to be found, and if you have a chance, I’d encourage you to read it for yourself. What does God promise His children who trust and delight in Him and dwell in His land and keep His way?

He will be with them. Always.

And so these are words I want to put into action today. Words like dwell and refuge and hope and wait and commit and trust.

These are actions I want to live by. It’s not easy. We all stumble and fall, just like King David. We go through trials and face obstacles. Life isn’t always easy. But God is good to us and He is there waiting for our trust and delight and commitment.

Being with Him is the best gift we could ever hope for.

Never forget… you are onederfully created.


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