Becca Wierwille

Press Kit

Two-Sentence Bio

Becca Wierwille is the award-winning author of the Road Trip Rescue series and other stories that show kids they are wonderfully created for the unique adventures in their lives. She also cohosts a book podcast for kids, Ice Cream with Authors: Christian Books for Kids 7-13, where she loves helping families connect with stories.

Short Bio

Becca Wierwille is the award-winning author of the Road Trip Rescue series and other stories that show kids they are wonderfully created for the unique adventures in their lives. She also cohosts a book podcast for kids, Ice Cream with Authors: Christian Books for Kids 7-13.

Born with only half of her right arm, Becca aims to help others find beauty in what makes them extraordinary. Despite her dreams of sandy beaches and mountain peaks, she loves living in Pennsylvania with her family.

Extended Bio

Becca Wierwille is the award-winning author of the Road Trip Rescue series and other stories that show kids they are wonderfully created for the unique adventures in their lives. She also cohosts a book podcast for kids, Ice Cream with Authors: Christian Books for Kids 7-13. Born with only half of her right arm, Becca aims to help others find beauty in what makes them extraordinary.

Dozens of her short stories for children and devotions have been featured in magazines, anthologies, and other publications, including Primary Treasure, Guide, Cadet Quest, and Keys for Kids. She has previously worked as a kindergarten teacher, newspaper reporter, and writing tutor. She is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) and American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW).

Mom by day and novelist by relatively early in the morning, she wishes she could eat peach pie as often as most writers drink coffee. Despite her dreams of sandy beaches and mountain peaks, she loves living in Pennsylvania with her family.

Sign up for her email newsletter for a free family devotional, recommendations for young readers, and other exclusive content.

Becca Wierwille Editing Services
Becca Wierwille Editing Services

Name Pronunciation

Becca’s last name used to be easy to pronounce—but then she got married. Here’s a trick for pronouncing Wierwille: “Ask me how my family was doing . . . we were well!”

The Road Trip Rescue Series

Road Trip Rescue:
After spotting a photo of her lost dog, twelve-year-old Kimmy embarks on a wild road trip to bring him home with her pink-haired, adventure-hungry aunt who makes some unexpected detours.

Road Trip Return:
A twelve-year-old boy must save his brother from making the biggest mistake of his life—even if that means embarking on an international adventure to the last place in the world he wants to go.

Road Trip Redemption:
A thirteen-year-old girl’s discovery of a stray dog prompts a road trip with her sisters to reunite with the best friend she betrayed three years ago.

Sample Interview Questions

  • How did you get started writing?
  • Where do you get your book ideas?
  • Why do you love writing for children?
  • What are you working on right now?
  • How do you find community in the often solitary practice of writing?
  • Why do stories matter?


Email: or fill out this form

Address: P.O. Box 19, McEwensville, PA 17749

Social Media: 

Recent Interviews & Appearances


  • Samson Technologies Q2U Microphone
  • Samson SR350 Over Ear Stereo Headphones

 Speaking Topics

For Readers (School/Library Visits)

  • Meet the Author (K-2nd): Hear some of Becca’s story, including what it was like to grow up with one arm, and learn how she fell in love with writing stories—especially stories that remind readers they are wonderfully created.
  • Road Trip Rescue (3rd-7th): Listen to a brief reading from Road Trip Rescue and hear Becca’s story about how this story—and these characters—came into existence. This presentation includes a focus on where stories come from and how young writers can create their own stories.
  • Road Trip Return (3rd-7th): Listen to a brief reading from Road Trip Return and hear Becca’s story about how this story—and these characters—came into existence. This presentation includes a discussion about research and writing an international adventure, and a focus on how we can learn and grow through reading and writing. This option is primarily recommended for groups that have already experienced the Road Trip Rescue presentation.
  • Author Q&A (3rd-8th): Have you ever read a book and wondered how it came to be? What would you ask an author if you had the chance? Get your questions ready, because Becca wants to answer them! This option is primarily recommended for groups that have already read one of Becca’s books and can come prepared with questions.
  • Behind the Scenes of Storytelling (5th-8th; best with smaller groups): How can you take pieces of your real life—or things from your imagination—and create a story? Becca shares her story creation process with young readers and encourages them to create stories from their own lives and imaginations.

For Writers (Workshops)

  • Fiction for Children 101: Do you want to write stories for kids, but you’re not sure how to get started? The truth is, whether you’re writing a picture book, middle-grade adventure, or YA romance, the elements of good storytelling remain the same as they do for any fiction genre. You need strong character development, a solid plot, a captivating voice, and evidence that you’ve done the hard work of revision. In addition to overviewing the different types of children’s books, this workshop will explore how we can gear each element of storytelling toward our specific audience—in this case, kids.
  • How to Create a Self-Editing Plan that Works for You: After you write “the end” on your manuscript, you’re still not finished. Many authors and editors have great tips on how to revise your story, but how do you create a self-editing plan specific to you and your story?
  • Crafting Realistic Characters: Character development is at the core of every story, but crafting believable, realistic, and distinct characters can be challenging. This interactive workshop is designed to teach writers how to develop strong, authentic characters. When the workshop is over, participants will have new ideas for style-specific strategies they can employ to develop compelling characters.

For More Information:

For more information, including my statement of faith and author mission statement, visit this page.

Road Trip Rescue Devotional & Family Activities: 20 Devotions for Kids with Ideas to Make Road Trips Fun

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