The Essentials of FICTION REVISION: How to Self-edit your story without cutting corners
Learn to Revise Well.
Why this course?
Self-editing is hard. This course is designed to guide you through the self-editing process, from the time you write “the end” on your fiction manuscript until the day you’re ready to share your novel. And it’s designed to help you revise in a way that works for you and for your specific story.
You’ll still need feedback from critique partners, beta readers, and others. You’ll still need a professional editor.
But your story will be stronger when you put in the work as the author. Learning to revise well empowers you to tell your stories as only you can do.
My self-editing course includes:
- 10 self-paced modules with a total of 30 downloadable video lessons and transcripts (about 95 minutes of video instruction), valued at a total of $75
- 10 downloadable handouts with independent, work-at-your-own-pace assignments to put the learning into practice, plus 3 additional worksheets, valued at a total of $65
- Individualized feedback from the instructor on a writing sample at the beginning and end of the course, valued at a total of $100
- Access for the lifetime of the course—and beyond, since you can download all materials!
- Total Course Value: $240
Reduced Regular Course Price: $197! Get it here.

This Course is for you if…
- You’ve written the first draft of your fiction story, but you don’t know what to do next.
- You haven’t yet found a revision strategy that works for you, so revision tends to feel overwhelming.
- Your story isn’t ready for a professional edit, but you’re not sure where to start when it comes to self-editing.
- You want individualized feedback from a professional editor and downloadable resources you can access time and time again.
Course Curriculum
A full outline of course curriculum, along with a free preview of Module 1, is available here!
Module 1: Introduction
- An introduction to the instructor (me!)
- What you can expect to learn during the course
Module 2: From the First Draft to the First Read Through
- How it feels to write “the end” on your story
- The importance of giving yourself the gift of time
- The nature of the first read through
Module 3: Make Your Revision Plan
- How to take a close look at your story
- Ideas for creating supporting documents to help you revise
- How to outline your revision plan, with a downloadable worksheet included
Modules 4-9: The Revision Focus Areas
- A step-by-step guide through six core revision focus areas
- The six focus areas include: plot development, characters/dialogue, setting/timeline, description, scenes/transitions, and copyediting
Module 10: Sharing Your Story with Others
- How to get feedback from critique partners and beta readers
- When to send your story to a professional editor or a literary agent
- When to get your story into the hands of readers

Your Instructor & Revision Coach
As a developmental and copy editor, long-time critique group member, published writer, and writing coach, I have extensive experience in revision—both with my own work and with the work of others. I’ve tried many techniques, and I’ve learned that each story benefits from its own unique revision plan, depending on its developmental needs. And I want to help you revise your story to make it shine.
Read more about my editing services here, and view a list of my previous writing awards and publications here.
Individualized Feedback
As part of your one-time payment, you’ll receive individualized feedback from me on a writing sample near the beginning and end of the course, valued at a total of $100. This feedback is not an in-depth critique or an edit, but coaching-type feedback through email.
- Beginning of the course: Send me the first 250 words of your manuscript (about one page), the last 250 words, and a synopsis of no more than 1,000 words—and I’ll give you specific ideas of things to look at during your revision.
- End of the course: Send me those same materials again, after your revision—the first 250 words, the last 250 words, and your 1,000-word synopsis—and I’ll provide feedback on what you’ve accomplished.
- Please Note: The offer for individualized feedback is available for three months after you’ve purchased the course. After that, the offer is no longer active.
What Clients are Saying about My Editing Services
“A good editor will correct your mistakes. A great editor will teach you how to self-correct to achieve stronger drafts faster. Becca is one such editor. My writing is stronger for having worked with her. And that’s why I’m so excited to see her offering a self-revision course: While no amount of self-revision will replace the need for a professional editor, the more mistakes you as the author can correct, the more freedom the editor has to focus on the deeper flaws, resulting in a better, more perfect book at the end. Becca can help you get there!”
“As a published author, I’d been through revision in the past, but my process always felt somewhat random. Following Becca’s video suggestions and handouts really helped make the whole process go a lot smoother. Her guiding questions made me focus on what was important to the story, what subplots to delete, and on the microlevel, what darlings I needed to murder. The best part is the ability to submit a few pages at the beginning and end of the class for a personal review. Take the class––you won’t regret it!”