It was the third day of kindergarten, and one of my sweet little students was just not feeling it. She sat in the “arctic zone” (a place for kids to cool off and take a break) and cried for what felt like the entire morning. She cried and screamed and kicked and threw her shoes across the room.

As the teacher, it’s easy for me to see that and think, “Wow. I’m so glad we adults don’t act that way anymore.”

But guess what, friends? We DO act that way.

We cry our ways through life. We whine and complain and act like we have it harder than just about anyone.

This is me, too. I like to plop down on the couch after a long day and wait for some sympathy. I think a lot of us probably relate to that on some level.

What if, instead of whining and allowing that negativity to set in, we followed Paul’s instructions to the church? 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says this: “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

What if instead of choosing negativity, we chose joy and thankfulness? We weren't designed to cry through our lives. Choose joy and see Jesus in that choice.
Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

Rejoice always.

Pray continually.

Give thanks in all circumstances.

Don’t just rejoice when life is all sunshine and roses. Don’t just pray when God is good. Don’t just give thanks when circumstances are as perfect as they could be.

Let’s not cry our ways through life, friend. I know life is hard. Sometimes we have terrible days. Sometimes we wish we could cry in the corner all morning.

But if we choose to laugh instead of cry, to smile when that frown tugs at the corner of our mouths, and to rejoice in our hardships, we will find joy. We will see Jesus.

And life will be a whole lot more enjoyable.

By the way, never forget… you are onederfully created.


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