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There is something so unique and satisfying about reading a good classic novel. The words may have been written over one hundred years ago, but the story is evergreen.

I love to imagine all of the hearts that have been touched by some of these stories over the span of a century.

It’s a beautiful thing to think about.

One of these classics, for me, is Anne of Green Gables (Amazon Affiliate Link) by L. M. Montgomery. 

Anne of Green Gables is the story of Anne Shirley, an eleven-year-old orphan, who arrives at the lovely farm of Green Gables to learn that the Cuthbert siblings, Matthew and Marilla, had been expecting a boy. But Anne, with her spirited personality and broad imagination, captures their hearts. Just like she captures ours!

She embarks on many adventures (and mishaps) over the course of the novel. As Anne grows up, her story spans themes of family, imagination, forgiveness, and love. It’s delightful and heartwarming—there’s a reason people have been reading it for over one hundred years, and creating plenty of TV shows and movies and beautifully designed hardcover editions.

What strikes me about Anne’s story is she doesn’t win hearts by trying to fit the expectations of others.

She doesn’t conform to who others think she should be. If she had been “ordinary,” she wouldn’t have had the same sorts of adventures. She wouldn’t have drawn people in as she did. She may not have even stayed at Green Gables in the first place.

Because Anne’s distinct nature is what won hearts.

Like the fictional Anne Shirley, we’re all uniquely and wonderfully created.

But sometimes, we are tempted to hide the things about us that are different. We are tempted to try to fit in, even when it involves holding back our true selves.

How would our lives be different if we embraced who God has created us to be? If we thanked God for our unique personalities and our quirks and those things that make us who we are?

I believe this would change our lives in beautiful ways. Let us all take up this challenge today—to embrace our differences and thank God that we aren’t the same as everyone else.

Never forget . . . you are wonderfully created.


Road Trip Rescue Devotional & Family Activities: 20 Devotions for Kids with Ideas to Make Road Trips Fun

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