by Becca Wierwille | Dec 29, 2021 | Stories Around Us
When I was in kindergarten, I couldn’t wait for our class Christmas party. My mom and I even made reindeer cookies (well… I’m sure she made them and I helped taste-test) for the occasion. The day of the party, we loaded up our reindeer cookies in the car and headed...
by Becca Wierwille | Dec 8, 2021 | Book Reviews
*Please note: This post contains affiliate links. During the holiday season, I find myself so thankful for family—in every sense of the word. I’m thankful for my family and my husband’s family. I’m thankful for friends and a community who have become family. I’m...
by Becca Wierwille | Nov 24, 2021 | Stories Around Us
It had been a long day. My husband Seth and I were both tired, after overfilled schedules and too much work to do in too little time. The sun set outside on a perfect fall evening, but we both found ourselves trapped inside, wrapping up our tasks for the day. But then...
by Becca Wierwille | Nov 10, 2021 | Author Interviews
*Please note, this post contains affiliate links. I love making new writing friends, and when I met Allie Slocum at an online writers’ conference this summer, I couldn’t believe how much we had in common. We both write middle grade, we both teach, and we both create...
by Becca Wierwille | Oct 27, 2021 | Stories Around Us
A few months ago, I cooked a big batch of food so Seth and I would have enough food for the rest of the week. I knew we had some busy evenings coming up and wanted to knock out my time in the kitchen early on so neither of us would have to worry about cooking later....