by Becca Wierwille | Oct 26, 2022 | Book Reviews
*Please note: This post contains affiliate links. I love determined protagonists. Seriously. A book is much easier to love if the hero stands up for herself. If she fights for what she wants, more than anything. A little bit of stubbornness and a lot of determination...
by Becca Wierwille | Sep 28, 2022 | Book Reviews
*Please note: This post contains affiliate links. Heartwarming. Charming. Descriptive. Relatable. If any of those things sound like characteristics you’d love in a story, you might want to add Across the Pond (Amazon Affiliate Link) by Joy McCullough to your reading...
by Becca Wierwille | Aug 31, 2022 | Book Reviews
*Please note: This post contains affiliate links. We were created to live in community with others—with our families, friends, and neighbors. Maybe that’s why family stories are so captivating. I always savor the chance to follow along with a family through the ups...
by Becca Wierwille | Jul 27, 2022 | Book Reviews
*Please note: This post contains affiliate links. I love being on launch teams for books I can’t wait to share with others. A launch team, also called a street team, is a group of people who are excited about a book and want to help the author get the word out. When...
by Becca Wierwille | Jun 29, 2022 | Stories Around Us
There’s something so reminiscent about putting a tape in the old VHS player and watching home videos from when we were kids. With smartphones and simple movie-making software, it’s much easier now. But maybe that only makes those video cassettes feel a little...