We’re Not Alone in Our Loneliness

We’re Not Alone in Our Loneliness

The title of this post is an oxymoron. But it’s true. Even when we feel lonely, we’re not alone. We’re never alone in our loneliness. Because God is with us… and also, we’re not the only ones experiencing these feelings. I’d say pretty much all of us feel lonely from...
We’re Not Alone in Our Discouragement

We’re Not Alone in Our Discouragement

My first job out of college was as a newspaper reporter. Life was filled with transitions at the time. Seth and I had just gotten engaged. I had just moved to Ohio. I missed living on campus with my friends. But I was ready for my first real job.  Or so I...
We’re Not Alone in Our Anger

We’re Not Alone in Our Anger

Last year, I specifically remember a morning I got angry at my husband Seth. All because I made him toast for breakfast and by the time he came to eat it, the toast was cold. I didn’t want to call that feeling anger. It felt like a tense bundle of knots inside of me,...
We’re Not Alone in Our Fear

We’re Not Alone in Our Fear

I’m not sure why, but one of my greatest fears is of tornados.  Everything about tornados terrifies me. The idea that wind can bundle up into a swirling disaster and pick up everything in its path is haunting. The heavy darkness of a funnel cloud is enough to...
Influencers for the Kingdom

Influencers for the Kingdom

We’re living in an age of influencers. Social media influencers. Brand ambassadors. YouTube celebrities. These are job titles that didn’t exist ten years ago.  And right about now, you might be thinking that this particular blog post doesn’t relate to you. You...