by Becca Wierwille | May 12, 2021 | Book Reviews
*Please note: This post contains affiliate links. As we grow older, we tend to deepen our roots into reality. We lose our imaginary friends, our ability to create something from nothing, and our desire to make every moment a chance to play. And so, the imaginations of...
by Becca Wierwille | Apr 28, 2021 | Stories Around Us
Whenever I see a doghouse, my memory returns to a night many years ago. I was about four years old, and my family had recently moved to an old farmhouse. I’d always had a bit of an issue with sleepwalking, but up to that point, I’d never wandered far from my...
by Becca Wierwille | Apr 14, 2021 | Author Interviews
*Please note, this post contains affiliate links. You know those stories where the characters don’t feel like characters at all, but like real people we know and love? That’s how I feel about Wavie, the protagonist in Hope in the Holler by Lisa Lewis Tyre. This story...
by Becca Wierwille | Mar 31, 2021 | Stories Around Us
This school year hasn’t been easy for educators, parents, students, administrators—for anyone, really. As a kindergarten teacher, I feel like God has been teaching me flexibility and resilience, and the importance of showing grace to others and to myself. At our...
by Becca Wierwille | Mar 10, 2021 | Author Interviews
*Please note, this post contains affiliate links. I love podcasts that follow a journey or a story. So when I found Claire Swinarski’s Making a Middle Grade podcast, which follows the journey of a story, I couldn’t stop listening. In Making a Middle Grade, Claire...