About The Author

Hi, I’m Becca.

I’m one of those writers who has always loved words, ever since I started learning my alphabet.

Some of my earliest storytelling memories include:

  • Scribbling stories about talking teddy bears and islands made of candy in a purple notebook.
  • Flipping through the hymnal during a sermon at church and pretending it was a novel.
  • Typing away one letter at a time on our box-shaped computer with dial-up internet.
  • Creating stories to turn into movies with my friends.

I was also the kid who told my parents I didn’t want to go to soccer practice because I wanted to be in a “card-playing club.”

You get the picture. I fell in love with words at a very young age, and I’ve been writing ever since.

Now, I write stories for kids ages 8 to 12 to show them they are wonderfully created for the unique adventures in their lives. My award-winning Road Trip Rescue series includes books about:

  • A girl’s road trip to find her lost dog.
  • A boy’s international adventure to save his brother from making a big mistake.
  • A girl’s journey to reunite with the best friend she betrayed three years ago.

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Becca Wierwille Author Photo
Our God is a God of possibilities. So why do we so often limit ourselves? By sharing my story, I'm giving you 4 steps to overcome your self-imposed limitations.


Fun Facts About Me

  • I can unicycle. (Or, at least, I could at one point . . . I haven’t tried in a while!)
  • I’ve roasted marshmallows on top of a volcano.
  • I love spending time in God’s creation. The more, the better.
  • Peach pie is my all-time favorite food. If I had to choose one food to eat for the rest of my life, it would probably be pie (or salad—both have extensive options).
  • I was born with one hand.


13 + 13 =


Becca Wierwille is the award-winning author of the Road Trip Rescue series and other stories that show kids they are wonderfully created for the unique adventures in their lives. She also cohosts a book podcast for kids, Ice Cream with Authors: Christian Books for Kids 7-13. Born with only half of her right arm, Becca aims to help others find beauty in what makes them extraordinary.

Her short stories for children and devotions have been featured in numerous magazines and other publications, and she is a member of SCBWI and ACFW.

Mom by day and novelist by relatively early in the morning, she wishes she could eat peach pie as often as most writers drink coffee. Despite her dreams of sandy beaches and mountain peaks, she loves living in Pennsylvania with her family.

Sign up for her email newsletter for a free family devotional, recommendations for young readers, and other exclusive content.

Statement of Faith

I believe in one all-knowing, holy, perfect God who created everything—the stars, the earth, the ocean, and each one of us. He knew us before we were born and crafted us with our own unique gifts, talents, and intricacies. He made us in his image so we could show his glory to the world. Our sins separated us from God, but because he loves us deeply, he sent Jesus to heal our broken relationship with him.

I believe Jesus is the Son of God. God sent Jesus to earth to show us how to live and to take the punishment for our sins. Jesus died on the cross, then he rose again. Jesus conquered death so we might be forgiven and live forever with him. He is our Savior and our hope.

I believe that if we put our faith in Jesus, ask for his forgiveness, and follow him, we get to be with God forever. It’s the biggest, best gift ever—being part of God’s family now and always.

I believe the Bible is like a letter from God. It’s the inspired Word of God, full of stories, lessons, and words of wisdom to help us live in his love.

And I believe in the Holy Spirit, who is also God. The Holy Spirit helps us feel loved, gives us peace and courage, and is always with us.

One day, Jesus will return. Everything will be perfect, just like God planned. Until then, I want to live a life of love that glorifies God and points others to the hope found in him.


I write stories to show kids they are wonderfully created for the unique adventures in their lives. They are not perfect, but they are extraordinary and they are loved. And every adventure will be better when they know they’re not alone.”

– My Mission Statement

Road Trip Rescue Devotional & Family Activities: 20 Devotions for Kids with Ideas to Make Road Trips Fun

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